Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Stephen Hawking's comment about Native Americans

Now my friends,
I, Geronimo Rubio, don't know to much about these so called "Aliens from Outer Space" (Illegal Aliens From Outer Space The Cat From Outer Space) coming down here and owning the planet as in this interview with Stephen Hawking's. But I do agree with his statement about the "Murdering Christopher Columbus" (Christopher Columbus and the Conquest of Paradise: Second Edition (Tauris Parke Paperbacks) (Christopher Columbus and the Afrikan Holocaust: Slavery and the Rise of European Capitalism) and how it was "Not so good for the Native Americans" of this country.

The renowned and brilliant Stephen Hawking made a statement that included the Native Americans and the impact upon us made by Columbus in a worldwide press covered interview. Thought you might like to see this. Wonderful to have some truth come out and speak to the entire world for a change!!!

Here's an excerpt of the article and the highlighted quote in red print. Link to the entire article is at the bottom:

Volcanoes, tornadoes, wars and earthquakes, melting ice caps and disappearing glaciers all are not bad enough these mad, latter times; now, planetary Uber brain, Stephen Hawking tells us not to count on any heavenly encounters of the extraterrestrial kind to pull this weary race's fat out of the fire.

Hawking tells the London Times, not only are alien races mathematically certain, they're just as likely too to be marauding remnants of dead planets, desperately seeking an island of refuge in a very large sea. He suggested, should Earth be visited by such a crew, the results would be far from welcomed, saying;

"If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn't turn out very well for the Native Americans."

To read the whole article online, link is:


1 comment:

  1. Hi
    I found searching the web that there is a Geronimo Rubio before Florida and one in Florida and no where can I find an email to ask you a few questions about this article: BEWARE OF PLASTIC SHAMANS AND NEW AGE FRAUDS; it may have been written three years ago but it still is very much a today issue. Would it be alright to make my questions even if it is not related to Hawkins and his alien mind?
